George Clooney Leaves The US Permanently. Shifts To England “Can’t Take The Red Wave Anymore”

In an unexpected twist, George Clooney came out of the blue with a bombshell announcement that he’s fed up with America while he was gesturing to his perfectly chiseled hairline. Yes, folks, you have read it right, this silver fox himself is vowing to leave the country he’s grown tired of. He declared, “I just can’t take it anymore.”
And to be very honest, we can’t blame him. I mean, have you seen the state of our politics lately? It’s like a bad episode of “The Real Housewives of DC”—minus the table-flipping, because, let’s face it, our politicians are too busy flipping pancakes at the Iowa State Fair
But I’m wondering why this Hollywood-top-class actor wants to give up the ship. Is it because he couldn’t find decent coffee? The scarcity of decent roles for aging actors like him? Nah! Well, folks, I don’t think it’s something as simple; it’s far more dark. Joe Biden has refused to hang up his boots. Oh, come on, Clooney, don’t you like him?
And he was like… What’s this Democratic Party’s obsession with fundraising? I mean, why don’t they simply have a buffet or food-sharing party?
In a recent interview, Clooney sadly expressed his thoughts: “I’m exhausted with writing checks to attend events where the only thing being served is a side of disappointment.” That’s right; it’s like they’re trying to compete with each other in a game of “Who can ask for the most money without actually doing anything?”