Whoopi Goldberg has been co-hosting ABC’s “The View” since 2007, making her the longest serving member on the successful daytime show’s panel. However, the celebrated...
In a shocking twist that has left fans reeling, Hollywood icon Robert Downey Jr. has reportedly walked away from the upcoming Marvel blockbuster AVENGERS: Doomsday...
Taylor Swift Heartbroken, Stops Eras Tour in Toronto After Tragic News About Travis Kelcen a shocking turn of events, pop sensation Taylor Swift has abruptly...
In a cryptic post, the couple teased, “We are going…” leaving followers on the edge of their seats, eager to unravel the mystery. ...
A week ago, Brad Pitt scored a legal win, with a Los Angeles Superior Court judge ruling in favour of his and Angelina Jolie’s French...
Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce was noticeably absent from Taylor Swift’s highly-anticipated concert in Indianapolis last night, sparking speculation among fans. ...
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s legal battle may be drawing to a close soon, if a new reports is to be believed. Radar Online claims...
Whoopi Goldberg — who famously once gifted Pope Francis with Sister Act merch and also wants to send the Vatican “some bees” — had quite...
In a shocking development, Megan Rapinoe, the iconic U.S. Womeп’s National Soccer Team (USWNT) star and activist, has announced plans to leave the United States,...
In a heart-wrenching development, the NFL has announced the cancellation of the highly anticipated matchup between the Carolina Panthers and the Kansas City Chiefs following...